What to expect

Sessions will start with a conversation about you and what you are seeking help with. I'll ask you questions such as your sleep patterns, stress levels, and nutrition to begin to identify the root of the issue you are concerned about.

I'll then use the traditional diagnosis techniques of pulse and tongue observation to give me a mental snapshot of what is going on in your body.  Pulse diagnosis is simply done by feeling the radial pulse on each wrist for a few minutes. I'm feeling for qualities in the pulse that represent levels of Qi and Blood in the body and the state of your organ system. Tongue diagnosis is done by observing the tongue and noticing qualities such as tongue coat, color, and shape all of which are indicative of the internal state of your body. 

Based on our conversation and my observations, I'll then treat you by inserting single use, super thin, stainless steel needles in the specific points specific to your diagnosis. I may also use other techniques such as cupping, tuina (Chinese massage), moxa (a form of heat application), and e-stim (applying painless micro currents of electricity to the needles). Other healing modalities that can be present in a session are the use of tuning forks to stimulate the body to heal itself and guided meditations leaving you feeling on cloud 9.

Needles are retained for about 30 minutes and most often people fall into deep states of relaxation or sleep.

We'll check back in after your treatment and I'll provide you with a treatment plan.

This treatment plan is personalized to you containing my recommendations for continued support. This can include a combination of Eastern and Western herbal supplements, Chinese medicine remedies, diet and lifestyle, and so much more. You will leave the clinic feeling a sense of balance restored in your healing journey.